Paradice city, Kuwait



I find amazing how my mother could come out of her house knowing all the shit she knew. Because maybe it doesn't happen to you, but to 2 or 3 people around you who have lousy family life, a shitty family life. Many live in theis houses at 25 years old trying to find their own way, and they find things no one ever told them they would find.
Because... we don't want to deal with this things and we shouldn't deal with them publicaly. But if we don't deal with this things publicaly, maybe we'll never deal with this whole fucking shit!
I'm not a cualified therapist, I don't know shit about this things, but we're in the 90's and I know that if we're going to keep on doing this shit for 50 more years we'll have to change that fucking mentality quickly.
There are many motherfuckers that don't want this shit to be over, that want to keep on hiding things, 'cuase if some things get out the whole shit sorrounding us is going to show
there are loads of parents that didn't give a fuck about their sons lives and are around 40 or 50 years old and think they're so cool... fuck all that! And I'm the last fucking person that would go and say that to his family and friends
see? for me now is not about how much cocaine I can consume, how much vodka I can have or how much alcohol before I get drunk. It's not about how much a rocker I can be, neither. I don't care about that shit
than can be great for a little rcoker that's not real. It's useless for me now in the real world. I can't pretend with that anymore, it's all a lie. I can't have that attitude just because my family or record company or anyone else says so, so they can all be happy and make money
suck my dick! Anyway, there's some people in my family, that are planning to revange, ahh...? let them try!
I've been trying to be nice about this, I tried to make up and forgive. All I got in exchange was "you know all we love you, but let's hide your problems and don't make them public" Oh, yeah? well, guess what?
I've changed my mind. For me now is something like... live and let die, son of a bitch

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